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Talk Like Bob Dylan Day

[MAY 24, 2007 by Jimmy Hogan]
Well I was sitting around a few months ago playing NTN trivia at the local Friday's (Antioch TN) and a question popped up about Bob Dylan followed by a question about pirates... hmmmm...

... well maybe it was the third (or so) pint of Sam Adams doing the prodding but it became clear to me that Talk Like a Pirate Day only comes around once a year and that's just not enough!

Knowing Dylan's birthday was May 24th (from the trivia question) that seemed a great balance to TLaPD's September so here we are.

The sad thing though is that I went out last week to register the domain only to find someone had scooped me... evidently there is more than one Friday's serving up pints of Sam Adams and NTN trivia.

Oh well... I guess I'll just cede it to them and offer up one of my favorite Dylan lyrics to close (remember to read it out loud in your best Dylan rendition).

Good and Bad I defined these terms quite clear, no doubt somehow...
... Oh but I was so much older then... I'm younger than that now.


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